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Motion Toast A Beautiful Toast Library For Android Kotlin


Motion Toast – A Beautiful Toast Library for Android Kotlin


Motion Toast is a beautiful and multipurpose toast library for Android Kotlin. It allows you to create flying animated toasts that can be customized to fit your app's design.


Motion Toast offers a wide range of features, including: * Customizable flying animations * Support for both light and dark themes * Can be used to display text, icons, or images * Easy to use API

Getting Started

To get started with Motion Toast, add the following dependency to your app's build.gradle file: ```kotlin implementation 'com.github.tapadoo:MotionToast:1.0.0' ``` Once you have added the dependency, you can start using Motion Toast in your app. To create a toast, simply call the `makeMotionToast()` method and pass in the desired toast settings. ```kotlin val motionToast = makeMotionToast(this, resources.string.success_title, resources.string.success_message) ``` You can then show the toast by calling the `show()` method. ```kotlin ``` Motion Toast is a powerful and easy-to-use library that can help you create beautiful and engaging toasts for your Android app.

