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Diaphragma Sellae

Diaphragm Sellae


The diaphragm sellae, or sellar diaphragm, is a small, circular sheet of dura mater that forms an incomplete roof over the sella turcica (a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone) and covers the pituitary gland.


The diaphragm sellae consists of two horizontal leaves of dura mater that extend from the tuberculum sellae (a small bony projection on the sphenoid bone) to the dorsum sellae (the posterior wall of the sella turcica).

The central part of the diaphragm sellae is perforated by the pituitary stalk, which connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus.


The main function of the diaphragm sellae is to protect the pituitary gland from above.
